About the HbA1C test kit
We offer home tests as a quick, convenient way for you to find out whether you are diabetic or prediabetic.
How does the HbA1c test kit work?
The HbA1c home test kit works by testing a sample of your blood for average glucose levels.
Follow the instructions we send you to collect a blood sample. Send the sample to our partner laboratory. When the lab sends us your test result, we’ll share it with you in your secure account.

How do I take a blood sample?
Follow our simple instructions to take a finger-prick blood sample. Put it in the packaging we include and send it to our partner laboratory.
What are my options if I don’t want to take a home test?
If you are displaying symptoms but you don’t want to take a home test, please see your GP.
What if my results show that I am diabetic or prediabetic?
If the results show that you are prediabetic or diabetic, please see your GP to discuss the best next step.
Remember to take a copy of your results with you.
Page last reviewed by: Dr. Christina Hennessey 21/06/2021