Dr Neera Dholakia
General Practitioner (GP)
Dr Neera Dholakia joined Boots Online Doctor as a GP in June 2021.
Alongside this role, she also works in NHS general practice and holds both mental health and safeguarding lead roles in North West London Integrated Care System. She provides expert safeguarding advice and training to the team. Additionally, Dr Neera is a clinical governance trustee for mental health and addiction charity We Are With You.
Dr Neera appreciates working in online medicine as it offers the opportunity to reach people in areas, both geographically and clinically, who might otherwise struggle to access the care they need. She’s found it very rewarding helping to shape our Mental Health services as clinical lead, designing something that is personalised whilst remaining safe, quick and efficient to access.
Roles & responsibilities
- Clinical Lead for Mental Health
- Safeguarding Advisor
Specialist Areas
- Menopause
- Mental health and physical health integrated care
- Safeguarding in digital healthcare
Qualifications & Memberships
- Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy (Dip CBH) – UK College Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy (2022)
- Member NHS England Safeguarding sub-cell (2020-2022)
- Level 4 Safeguarding Adults and Children – NHS England (2020)
- Advance Diploma in Primary Care Mental Health (Adv Dip PCMH) – University of Staffordshire (2016)
- RCGP Substance Misuse Part 2 (2014)
- Member of Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP) (2010)
- Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – University of Leeds (2004)
- Bachelor of Science, Psychology (BSc) – University of Leeds (2002)
Dr Neera is a trained hypnotherapist and has an excellent success rate with needle and other health-related phobias. She also used to work in prison healthcare at HMP Holloway and believes in the importance of a caring and rehabilitative system. Outside of work she enjoys playing the saxophone.
- Dholakia N, Hennessey C, 2023, Rapid Response: Telemental health for clinical assessment and treatment, BMJ 2023; 380: e072398
- Understanding Personality Disorders – a GP and carer’s perspective, 2022, Podcast, London
- Health from Healthy London Partnership
- Hidden Harm: Safeguarding Children during Covid-19, 2020, Webinar, North West London
- Dholakia N, Dilemma – Patient always attends with suspected abusive partner, 2018, Pulse magazine
- Dholakia and Robinson, How to recognise and respond to domestic violence, 2018 Pulse magazine
- Violence against Women: Towards an integrated approach, 2018, Presentation at House of Lords
- Violence against Women: A determinant of health, 2017, Presentation at Cumberland Lodge
- Bartlett, Dholakia et al, 2014, Prison prescribing practice: practitioners’ perspectives on why prison is different, Int J Clin Pract
- Bartlett, Dholakia et al, 2013, Are antidepressants overprescribed? BMJ 22/5/2013
- England, Dholakia et al, 2012, Prison environment and health, BMJ 12/11/2012
- Dholakia, Lydall, Kiernan, 2011, Out of Programme in South Africa, InnovAit 18/4/2011
- Risk is part of the job – letter in Metro newspaper, April 2009